"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." - Michelangelo

10 Daily Prompts

Imagine yourself as the sculptor of your own life. You've been chipping away at it for years.

When you take a step back to look at the life you're sculpting, do you feel good about it?

Is your life taking on the natural shape that it was meant to?

Most of us have only a rough idea of who we are and what we actually want out of life. As a result, our lives feel reactionary and removed from what we truly want, if we're even aware of what we want to begin with.

10 Daily Prompts gives you a chance to look deep into the block of stone that is your life.

Like a hammer and chisel, your inbox and a notebook are all you need to chip away at the distractions and refamiliarize yourself with the life you're meant to live.

It's that simple.

When you sign up, you'll receive a daily prompt in your inbox. Carefully organized and written to promote self-awareness and gratitude, the 10 Daily Prompts system of microjournaling can help you become the sculptor of YOUR life.

Sign up here to get your daily prompts for free!